Everyone is welcome to attend our Indigenous Peoples Day Gathering June 21 at the Gimli Park pavilion and stage. We start the gathering at 7pm. There will be firepits, free tea and Bannock and smudging available to everyone. Our local Kiwanis will be on hand to provide food service on site along with coffee and non-alcoholic beverages. We thank the Riverton and District Friendship Centre, the Gimli Red River Metis, the Kiwanis Club of Gimli & District and the Ship & Plow for their support.
7pm Smudge
Opening prayer
Land acknowledgment followed by drumming from the Winnipeg Beach School drummers.
Drumming and singing by the Women Forever Drum Group
7:30pm Welcome
7:45pm Indigenous speaker Gloria Thomas will bring teachings.
8:00pm Kinew Metis Jiggers and fiddlers
8:30pm Catie St. Germain